The UK Government has announced that they will further delay full import controls on food and animal origin products that were due to start on 1st October 2021.
It was decided last year that UK import controls for goods coming from the EU would be introduced in three different phases, one of those being the controls on animal and plant products.
Key Dates
1st January 2022
Prepare to make full customs declarations and the possibility of physical inspections
Goods Vehicle Movement Services goes live
Pre-notification for agri-food imports, register for IPAFFs and ensure you are travelling through an official Border Control Post port
1st July 2022
Export Health Certificates required
Safety and Security declarations required
Phytosanitary Certificates and physical checks on plant and products
How can you keep ahead with the upcoming changes?
Supplementary Import Declarations: Whilst traders can continue making simplified customs declarations until the end of this year, we highly encourage you to ensure you are making your supplementary declarations within the 180-day period. The Chamber can help you as an approved customs clearance agent with direct links to all sea, air, rail road ports and terminals in the UK able to help you with supplementary import declarations, as well full on export customs entries, and Transit Services (T1). Talk to our expert team calling at 0161 393 4368 or email them at
Export Health Certificates: If you are importing from the EU, animal origin products, ensure your EU suppliers are aware of this requirement from next year. For more information regarding EU EHC and other related documents, please click here
Training Courses: In need to up-skill or refresh your staff knowledge in the intricacies of exporting or importing, take a look of our upcoming courses here.
Advice and Support: For further advice on any of the above or support you require with exporting or importing, please email