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Latest Updates on CDS Exports

Writer's picture: GMCCTradeteamGMCCTradeteam

If your business completes export declarations, you should be aware that all the declarations are being moved from the old CHIEF system to the new CDS system. 

HMRC set up an initial deadline for exports to move to CDS on the 30th March 2024, but in a letter to stakeholders, they said that businesses had been asking for an extension. For this reason, they decided to extend the deadline to the 4th June 2024. All those who are unable to move to CDS by June, will also have exceptions subject to limits that HMRC will outline in April.  

The timescale outlined that from the beginning of March, export declarations for goods submitted via inventory-linked maritime locations are now required to be filed through CDS. At this stage, all exporters should have the capability to begin submitting their export declarations via the CDS. 

If you are not set up yet on CDS, you must follow the steps below as quickly as possible: 

  • Apply for an EORI (Economic Operator Registration and Identification) number beginning with 'GB'. 

  • Subscribe to the Customs Declaration Service so you can submit export declarations from your software to CDS. 

  • Authorise the software provider to submit export declarations through the CDS and access the Trader Dress Rehearsal (TDR) environment to test out their shipping scenarios before going live. 

Are you trading with Northern Ireland? 

HMRC published an update for all those companies that are moving goods into Northern Ireland from the UK or a country outside the UK and the EU. In fact, as of the 24th March, companies will be required to have a valid UK Internal Market Scheme authorisation to keep using the “NIREM” code. The NIREM code is usually used to declare goods not “at risk”. 

All those traders that will keep using NIREM without the above-mentioned authorisation, will be liable for EU duties. 

Do you need support with CDS? 

Our International Trade team is happy to assist you with all the steps to get ready for CDS. If you are looking to learn more about CDS, join us in our next CDS Workshop, which will shed a light on the new system. 

Are you trading with Norther Ireland or looking to do so? 

If your business would like to start trading with Northern Ireland or is already doing so but needs further clarifications, make sure to book a place on our next Northern Ireland and Windsor Framework training course! 

Do you need support in your International trade journey? 

If your company needs further understanding on any International trade matter, please do not hesitate to contact our capable International trade team by emailing at


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