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VAT is of the areas that has caused confusions and dilemmas for traders in a post Brexit world, specially when trading with the EU.   The below offers a compilation of  hand-picked guidance from UK government/HMRC, as well as some useful resources such as blogs by our team and strategic partner, VAT IT.   If you need support in understanding how the new rules of trading affect your business, get in touch!

VAT on goods exported from the UK (VAT Notice 703)
This notice from HMRC outlines when and how you can apply for zero-rated VAT on exported goods.  Exporters needs to be conscious of this whether exporting on ExW or other incoterm.    It is also very important exporters have enough proof of exports should they ever be subject to an audit to prove the zero-rated VAT.  Check the full Notice here

Work out your place of supply of services for VAT rules
This notice enables traders to find out which country’s VAT rules to use when supplying services abroad.   Read the full notice here

VAT Export and Removal of Goods from the UK
This guidance refers to direct and indirect exports.  Direct and indirect exports are subject to separate legal rules.  Read full VEXP20300 guidance here

VAT on services from abroad
If your business buys services from outside the UK a rule called the ‘reverse charge’ applies.  Read full guidance here

Place of supply of services (VAT Notice 741A)

This notice explains how to determine the place of supply of your services and how to deal with supplies of services which you receive from outside the UK.  Read full notice here

Paying VAT on imports from outside the UK to Great Britain and from outside the EU to Northern Ireland

If you import goods into Great Britain from outside the UK or from outside the EU to Northern Ireland you may have to pay import VAT on goods. For supplies of services from outside the UK you must account for VAT under the reverse charge procedure.  Read full guidance here

Complete your VAT Return to account for import VAT

Find out how to account for import VAT on your VAT Return if you're using postponed VAT accounting.  Read full guidance here

Check how to get your import VAT certificate (C79)
Find out how you can get your import VAT certificates (C79). This will show how much VAT you've paid on imports and recover the VAT as input tax on your VAT Return.  Full guidance here

Check when you can account for import VAT on your VAT Return

If your business is registered for VAT in the UK, find out when you can, or need to, account for import VAT on your VAT Return (also called postponed VAT accounting).  Read guidance here

Check how to pay duties and VAT on imports
If you’re a business importing goods from outside the UK, you can pay Customs Duty, excise duties and VAT in a number of ways.  Read guidance here

Notice 252: valuation of imported goods for customs purposes, VAT and trade statistics
This notice explains the methods to calculate duty on imported goods for importers and their clearing agents.  Read full guidance

How to value goods for import VAT
Find out how to value your goods to help when working out the VAT due when importing goods into the UK.  Read guidance here

Goods you do not include when valuing for import VAT

Find out what goods you do not value when when working out the VAT due on import to the UK.   When valuing goods for VAT purposes, do not include costs that are taxable under the reverse charge or international service arrangements. These are royalties, licence fees and buying commissions.  â€‹Read full guidance here

Other Resources
Chamber and/or VAT Blogs related to VAT

The below are some of the most popular blogs, but feel free to use our 'search facility to find more:
Need Customs Clearance Services

Call our team at 0161 393 4314 or email us at for more information

Advice and Services

Greater Manchester Chamber has partnered with VAT IT to provide unique VAT solutions to traders in a post-Brexit world.   To book a free 25 min complimentary session with VAT IT experts, simply email
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