In case you missed some key customs updates in the last couple of months which will be impacting traders and customs intermediaries, please check a summary!
999L waiver code has been permanently removed on CDS Imports by HMRC as of 31st Jan 2024
HMRC has issued updated guidance on upcoming BTOM changes. On the 7th March the current list of high-risk food and feed of non-animal origin (HRFNAO) will be amended. Importers and agents must familiarise with these changes & submit accurate documentation for their consignments.
Please take note of products requiring CHED-DS and specific health checks from arrival date 7th March 2024 after:
Enoki mushrooms from China
Granadilla ( Passiflora ligularis) and passion fruit from Colombia
Bananas from Ecuador
Oranges from Egypt
Vine leaves from Egypt
Peppers from India for pesticides
Cinnamon and cinnamon-tree flowers from India
Cloves (whole fruit, cloves and stems) from India
Drumsticks ( Moringa oleifera) from India
Ginger, saffron, turmeric ( Curcuma), thyme, bay leaves, curry and other spices from India
Nutmeg, mace and cardamons from India
Seeds of anise, badian, fennel, coriander, cumin or caraway, and juniper berries from India
Rice from India
Melon seeds from Iran
Hot peppers ( Capsicum spp.) from Kenya
Cow peas ( Vigna unguiculata subspp.) from Madagascar
Rice from Pakistan
Enoki mushrooms from South Korea
Sesame seeds ( Sesamum) from Syria
Tahini and halva from Sesamum seeds from Syria
Products no longer requiring CHED-DS and specific health checks from arrival date 7th March:
Hazelnuts from Turkey
Check latest guidance here
Changes to Entry in Declarants Record (EIDR): HMRC has advised that from 15 March, traders and intermediaries will be unable to make customs declarations in their own records for imports of:
high, medium and low risk animal products under the Target Operating Model from EU and EFTA countries
high, medium and low risk plant and plant products under the Target Opening Model from EU countries, Switzerland and Liechtenstein
high risk food and feed of non-animal origin from EU and EFTA countries
From 15 March, you will need to either:
1.Submit a simplified frontier declaration (if you are authorised to do so) – for controlled goods there are additional data elements that must be completed on the simplified frontier declaration and specific additional procedure codes (APC) which must be used and included in the authorisation. Appendix 2: DE 1/11: Additional Procedure Codes of the Customs Declaration Service (CDS) – GOV.UK (www.gov.uk) refers; or
2.Submit a full import declaration.
Where you declared SPS goods in your own records prior to 15 March, you may still complete your supplementary declaration after 15 March. You must submit supplementary declarations for movements in March by the 4th working day of April.
If you need to amend your simplified customs declaration authorisation, you must contact customsauthorisations@hmrc.gov.uk or your Customer Compliance Manager and regional Large Business mailbox in advance of 15 March.
DEFRA – Common errors found on sample of Health Certificates: DEFRA has identified a number of errors through documentary checks undertaken since the 31st Jan 2024. They have summarised these and set out official guidance for traders to minimise these errors going forward. Traders are asked to:
o Continue to provide an Export Health Certificate (EHC) for live animal and germinal product imports. Obtain a EHC for medium risk animal products, and some high-risk food and feed not of animal origin. (HRFNAO).
o Obtain Phytosanitary Certificates (PCs) for medium risk plant and plant products
o Continue to provide PCs for high-risk plants and plant products.
Moving Goods into Northern Ireland: From 24 March 2024, there will be changes that will affect how you make declarations into Northern Ireland through the Customs Declaration Service (CDS). These changes will apply to goods moving into Northern Ireland from Great Britain (GB-NI) and to goods moving into Northern Ireland from a country outside of both the UK and the EU (Rest of World-NI). From 24 March 2024, if the 'NIREM' code is used without declaring a valid UK Internal Market Scheme (UKIMS) authorisation, duties at the EU rate will be calculated and charged by the CDS if duties are due. To use a UKIMS authorisation, there is a requirement to start using some new codes and a UKIMS authorisation number. Further guidance, read here
Proof of Union Status (PoUS) / T2L Changes: HMRC announced some upcoming changes affecting Union Status proofs. From 1st of March 2024, there will be a new European system will be introduced to store, manage and retrieve PoUS. The new system will replace the T2L certificate and suppliers’ declarations with a digital way of proving the customs status of Union goods. If goods are imported into a non-EU country, they will lose their Union status unless they are placed under a suitable customs control. For more guidance on this, please read here
Russian Sanctions updates: Following the update from December 2023 amendment where the import of diamonds and diamonds jewellery, as well as the acquisition of, supply, delivery directly or indirectly of the goods is prohibited. The measures also included the prohibition of the provision of technical assistance, financial services, funds and brokering services relating to these goods, all taking effect from the 1st Jan 2024.
On the 1st March 2024, additional amendments to the Russia Sanctions were made where the amendment made in December will also now include the prohibition of certain diamonds processed in a third country, and same as the prior amendment, the measures include provision of technical assistance, financial services, funds and brokering services relating to these goods. Further guidance on Russian Sanctions read Notice 2953 here
Department for Business and Trade issues and updates guidance on 3rd countries processing if Iron and Steel regulation enhanced by both the EU and the UK: The Chamber welcome the updated guidance following the scope of sanctions placed on Russia in relation to iron and steel processed in third countries, as well as evidence that traders must provide in order to demonstrate compliance. This provides a favourable development for UK Traders who regularly import these commodities from the EU, and the EU also made a similar update on the 23rd Feb 2024, where the UK is listed as a partner country in relation to this regulation. For further information, click here
Documentation Update UAE: Chambers have been informed that from the 23rd February, the Embassy of UAE have a new requirement for the attestation of a Power of Attorney (PoA). A signed company headed letter from a signatory is required to be submitted along with the PoA as a supporting document. This letter needs to confirm the following:
o Signatory’s email address
o Signatory’s phone number
Need support with attestation? Email our exportdocs@gmchamber.co.uk for support.