The EU has now officially granted another extension to the UK for Brexit till 31st January 2020. Although, EU Council President Donald Tusk said what was being offered was a "flextension" - meaning the UK could leave before the deadline if a deal was approved by Parliament, according to the BBC.
Whilst there is frustration from yet another extension and a lack of clarity still on a number of issues affecting businesses once we leave the EU, with or without a deal. UK companies should still continue preparing for whatever scenario and avoid opting for a 'Wait and See' approach.
The 'deal' agreed in principle is an important stepping-stone for the on-going negotiations. However it remains high-level, and businesses still need clarity on a practical level on how this deal, or no-deal, will impact their day to day operations.
GM Chamber continues to provide support to businesses, and we encourage you to make the most of the free resources and preparation tools we have available. From our free online readiness assessments and currency impact calculator to accessing our free eGuides or accessing expert advice on tariffs, customs declarations and rules of origin, just to mention but a few, we are here to help.
We also want to hear from businesses out there what difficulties they are facing in preparing for Brexit, and how Brexit is impacting them already. Use our contact form on this site to submit your concerns, questions and anything you need support with.
