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Brexit Updates

Writer's picture: GMCCTradeteamGMCCTradeteam

Economic Operator Registration Identification (EORI Number)

HMRC are encouraging businesses trading outside the UK to apply for an Economic Operator Registration Identification (EORI) number. If the UK leaves the EU without a deal, from 11pm on 31st October, UK businesses will need to apply the same processes as are currently used when exporting and importing outside the EU.

If you’re VAT registered this process is simple and can be done online, it should only take around 10 minutes. You’ll need your VAT registration number and name of your business in which you’re VAT registered.

If you’re not VAT registered you’ll need some more information which can be found here.

HMRC have recently announced plans to automatically enrol companies for EORI numbers.

To apply for your EORI number or find out more please click here.

Export Licences

The Department for International Trade has announced a new Open General Export License (OGEL) for the export of dual-use goods (with both civilian and military application) to the EU. These items could be used for both civil and military applications and could include: goods, software, technology, documents, diagrams, raw materials such as chemicals, components like bearings and complete systems such as lasers. You can find further information on these items here.

The licence will come into effect as from 11pm on 31st October, if the UK leaves the EU without a deal.

You can find out more here.

Transitional Simplified Procedures

HMRC has written to 145,000 businesses who are trading with the EU regarding the transitional simplified procedures (TSP) for customs, if we leave the EU without a deal.

The procedures should help to avoid prolonged checks at the border and would also mean that goods can be transported from the EU to the UK without having to make a full customs declaration at the border, also delaying the payment for import duties.

Whilst we are not sure how long these changes will last; the government have said they will provide 12 months’ notice if any changes need to be made.

Registrations for TSP are now open, and businesses can register if they have an EORI number, please click here for more information.

Export Documentation

For details on how to use Export Documentation please contact

How can Greater Manchester Chamber help?

Brexit Checklist

The British Chambers of Commerce have put together a Brexit Checklist which can help you to prepare. The British Chamber of Commerce is also releasing frequent policy updates regarding Brexit, for up to date news please follow our Twitter - @GMCCTradeTeam.

Our International Trade Team have also been writing some useful blogs you can read here.

Customs Compliance Audit

We can help by visiting your business, along with one of our Associates and conduct an Customs Compliance Audit. We will come and meet at your premises for 2-3 hours and prepare a report demonstrating areas which could be improved, whilst also advising on best practice and next steps to take. Please email for further details.

Planning for Brexit Workshops

We are also organising full day workshops to discuss the current situation, customs, what would happen in a no deal scenario, regulation and documentation, origin, transport and risk for both Import and Export. Please see here to book for Imports and here to book for exports

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