According to updated guidance provided by HMRC, in order to maintain the UK’s biosecurity and food safety standards, all Products of Animal Origin (POAO) imported to the UK for human consumption must arrive at a point of entry with a designated Border Control Post (BCP) for the specific commodity. This includes POAO that have transited through the EU as EU BCP checks on those consignments will not be recognised by DEFRA.
These new rules came into force on 8th April, however, shipments dispatched before this date will be allowed to arrive at any point of entry into GB as long as they have been checked at their first point of entry to the EU and evidence of clearance can be provided.
A fee must be paid to have a consignment checked at a BCP. Please see the BCP fees table or contact the relevant BCP for information on the fee you will be charged.
Find a designated BCP for your commodity here, and ensure that the importer has informed the relevant BCP of the good’s arrival using the IPAFFS pre-notification system in order to avoid delays and being charged an additional fee.
Consignments that have undergone full animal and public health checks and have been cleared for circulation on the EU market, will continue to follow the phasing of import controls. Please find here more detail on the phasing of SPS controls for EU imports.
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