With its rich natural resources, strategic geographic location and diversity of industries, Western Australia offers significant scope for investors.
Western Australia’s hand-picked, investment-ready projects are showcased in one place – on WA Investments – with the one-stop portal currently offering 53 project opportunities valued at more than $6.4 billion.
WA Investments facilitates innovative and diversified greenfield and brownfield investment within Western Australia.
“The growth of WA Investments shows the wealth of opportunity our State has to offer, and we’re making it easier for investment to flow in, aiding economic growth and diversification,” says Chamber of Commerce and Industry WA (CCIWA) CEO Chris Rodwell.
“CCIWA’s partnership with the WA Government, through Invest and Trade Western Australia, is delivering the most valuable showcase of projects in Australia, leading the other Australian states and boosting WA’s reputation.”
The platform showcases projects valued between $10-$500 million across Western
Australia’s key and emerging industries including:
Mining and mining equipment, technology and services (METS)
International education
Defence industries
Space industries
Health, medical, science and innovation
Primary industries
Tourism, events and creative industries
Advanced manufacturing
Investors see WA as land of opportunity
The diversity of Western Australia’s industry landscape, strategic location and established strong economic links to the Asia Pacific region, and the State’s economic strength all contribute to WA being an ideal destination for investment.
And its embrace of advancements in the energy and resources sectors has caught the eye of investors, with the State considered a world leader in mining and resources technology, and a burgeoning hub for start-up industries.
With projects from emerging sectors to established industries, and from remote areas of the State to metropolitan Perth – WA Investments is the conduit to scale projects by connecting them with global investors.
“WA Investments places Western Australia as an ideal destination for business and investment in Australia, providing a platform to showcase the State’s plethora of natural resources, favourable climate, skilled workforce, quality education and cutting-edge innovation,” Mr Rodwell says.
For information, visit WA Investments.