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NI Protocol Spring update

HMCR has sent an update to traders regarding recent statement made by Foreign Secretary Liz Truss at the House of Commons (on 17‌‌‌ ‌‌May) on the government’s intention to introduce legislation to make changes to the Northern Ireland Protocol.

During her statement, the Foreign Secretary reiterated the UK Government’s responsibility to fix issues facing communities in Northern Ireland, including elements of the protocol that have created barriers between Great Britain and Northern Ireland, while maintaining those elements that preserve North-South trade and co-operation on the island of Ireland.

This legislation is being introduced alongside the government seeking to continue negotiations on the protocol.

What does this mean to you as a trader?

At the moment, there will not be any changes in the way you move goods between GB and NI.

The government will be working closely with businesses to develop new arrangements and inform timely about what changes will be affecting them.

How can The Chamber help?

Let us know if you are have been facing any barriers when trading via Northern Ireland, so we can feedback these timely to government and help shape future arrangements.

Email our team at or call 0161 393 4314.

Source: HMRC

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